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Title: Diffusion of Gases in Porous Environments, Taking into Account the Convective Component
Authors: Pyanylo, Y. D.
Vavrychuk, P. G.
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Нафтогаз України
Citation: П'янило, Я. Д. Дифузія газів у пористих середовищах із урахуванням конвективної складової / Я. Д. П'янило, П. Г. Вавричук // Нафтогазова галузь України. - 2013. - № 5. - С. 45-48.
Abstract: In this work we study the process of replacing gas in porous media considering convective motion of one of the gases and dependence of diffusion coefficients on the pressure in them. We have given the formulas to calculate the diffusion coefficients, which depend on the coefficients of interdiffusion of gases and pressure. The numerical experiment shows that the convective component has a significant impact on the process of mixing gases. Key words: gas replacing, porous media, diffusion convective component.
ISSN: 0548-1414
Appears in Collections:Oil & gas industry of Ukraine - 2013. - , № 5

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